
Monday, June 25, 2018

News Eggnam closed!

News Eggnam closed!

Shibuya�s gal hangout is now closed!


I blogged about visiting Eggnam before on a Tokyo visit. The last time I went to Tokyo I was planning to go again but when I checked the official website for events it had closed!

I was really surprised as it seemed to be a pretty popular place and it was the venue for the monthly Egg Magazine VIP events as well as other gyaru-related events.

Still I suppose people could hang-out all day and only spend 400yen, and with rent so high in Tokyo maybe that�s why it closed. There are still three other Eggnam locations- in Kyoto, Hyogo, and Saitama-ken. These seem to just be corners of game centres though.

Let�s see what made Eggnam special�

(click on pics for source)

The Interior

Pink, animal print, and pink animal print everywhere!


VIP Events

egg april 2011

Models like Yumachi, Aina, Nemoyayo, Manya and Kanako were regulars at the events.


Egg used to have it�s VIP events here each month, the models would be there and they would do party games and purikura challenges for prizes and a chance to take purikura with the models.


I don�t know if they still have events or where they would be as I haven�t bought Egg in a while. Anyone know?


Eggnam had free cosplay outfits you could use to take purikura:





There was a Tapiking booth at the front of the store so often people would take purikura with their drinks.



Other events

There would sometimes be other events held at Eggnam.

Gall Doll mini-live


BLEA make-up event


All in all, it was a great place and it�s a shame it had to close� maybe they�ll open a better one!

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Check out my older post for pics inside Eggnam!

illust agepoyo

go to link download

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