
Saturday, June 30, 2018

No Jeans Week Recap!

No Jeans Week Recap!

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Well, I made it through No Jeans Week and as it turns out it really wasnt that hard!  Since I am a stay at home mom, I dont really need to dress up every day for work.  But, forcing myself to think beyond the jean had me dressing up a little more than I normally would, which was fun!  The only issue was on Monday when I went down to the basement to fix the internet and found out we had a little bit of a flood.  I actually ended up cleaning up in my dress, which was fine, but not something I normally would have chosen for that sort of thing!  I also forgot to take a photo on Friday, but thats okay!  I wore a similar outfit the week before, so Ill share that instead.

Heres what I wore for No Jeans Week!

Day 1: Baseball Tee Dress

In retrospect, looking at these photos, I wish I had worn some sort of belt or something.  I wore this dress to run errands all day before I really took at look at myself and how the outfit looked.   Its kind of plain, so I wish I had worn some sort of extra accessory for more color!

Dress: JCrew Factory // Necklace: Chloe + Isabel // Shoes: Sperry

Day 2: Striped Dress under a chambray shirt

Day 2 was another rainy and gross day, but still just warm enough to wear this outfit.  Actually, I was freezing most of the day except when I was inside, but thats beside the point.  I loved this outfit and will definitely wear it again or something similar!  This bag is my new favorite bag!  I bought it to replace the diaper bag with something cuter, and I just love it!  It is made with "vegan leather" which I think is just a fancy way to say fake leather, but it super cute and durable and was only $49 at Nordstrom online, plus free shipping!

Striped Dress: JCrew Factory (old) // Shirt: Old Navy // Shoes: Sperry // Bag: Nordstrom

Day 3: Green pants and a blue top

This is where you will start to see a theme, because my favorite color is blue so most of my outfits have blue in them.  In fact, all my outfits are blue in this post except day 1!  Anyways, on day 3 we had a play date and went out to lunch with the kids.  I really like the way this outfit turned out, and especially the shoes with the pant!  I think Ill be adding these shoes to my packing list for my upcoming Italy trip!

Shirt: JCrew Factory (obviously my favorite store) // Pants: Old Navy // Necklace & Shoes: JCrew Factory (yes, again)

Day 4: Blue Dress!

I love love this blue dress!  It is made of super soft sweatshirt material and is just so comfortable.  Day 4 was "take your kids to work day" at my husbands office so I ended up heading there for lunch and to pick up our son since 2 years olds really cant handle being in the office all day!  This turned out to be a good thing, because day 4 is also the day my husband got super sick and had to leave work early anyway!  Some people at his office complimented my outfit, which was nice!  I also enjoyed getting to wear my new necklace from Stitch Fix!

Dress: one guess where I got it! // Necklace: Stitch Fix // Shoes: Tory Burch

Day 5: No photo!

I forgot to take a photo on day 5, and honestly I spent a lot of the day in the house taking care of my sick husband!  This photo is from the week before- so imagine this shirt with white pants and thats my day 5 outfit!  This shirt is from Target, by the way.

Day 6: Mint Skinnies with a light blue tunic

For day 6 we celebrated my husbands birthday by hitting up the local car museum he loves.  Since he was sick, we didnt do much else.  We did cookout some burgers and had cookie cake for dessert!  I think this is my favorite outfit of the whole week.  I really love these pants, they are so comfortable!  And I think they hit just right on my shoes.  This tunic is really soft, too, but I had to add a tank top under because it was a little chilly out and the tunic was letting in the cold wind.  Overall this outfit is a win in my book!

Shirt: JCrew (old) // Pants: Express // Shoes: Sperry

So!  Overall I think No Jeans Week was a success!  It was interesting to dress up a little bit each day.  Some of these outfits are ones that I would normally wear to go out on a date night so it was a little weird to me to be wearing a them during the day! I also couldnt have picked a worse week for this project-  It was much colder than I had anticipated, raining almost every day, my basement flooded and my husband was super sick.  Not a good combination for a week of wearing different fashion than youre used to! 

It was a good experiment though and I learned that I dont have to wear jeans every day, even though I am at home!  I also learned that most of my shoes are the same color- tan- so maybe I need to work on that a little bit!

If you want to see other pics of my outfits you can check them out on my instagram!  I was also joined by a few other people on instagram who posted their No Jeans Week outfits following my hashtag, so that was cool!  You can check out those outfits by looking on instagram for the hashtag #nojeansweek

Weigh in! What do you think?  Could you do a "no jeans week"?  Which outfit above is your favorite?

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